Hey! It's so nice to connect with you. My name is Carina Groombridge and I am a Certified Mindset and Success Coach. But more importantly, I am a mama of three awesome kids, a wifey to an amazing man, a recovering perfectionist, and eternal optimist. I love anything outdoorsy, playing board games with friends and family and a good glass of red wine.
I grew up not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. When someone would speak to me about school and what I was passionate about I would give a vague answer, a polite smile but never really commit to any particular direction because really - I HAD NO IDEA.
I was your typical good student/daughter and since I was good at math and science I stuck with it and ended up getting a degree in mechanical engineering. I had a blast in my university years but as I got closer to graduation and closer to the real world I realized that I wasn't really passionate about this career path.
Since I didn't have any other bright ideas on what else I could do with my life I stuck with it and got a job in my field (anyone else with me on this one?) I half-heartedly applied to other places but never found anything that sparked my interest. Fast forward to that moment when I became a mom and my world changed, not only because I was now responsible for a tiny human but because I realized that I did not want my tiny human to grow up passionless.
I wanted her to be / do / have anything she desired and I realized that I needed to be the example. She wouldn't listen to what I said she would follow what I do, the example I set for her. That kicked my ass into gear like you wouldn’t believe and I went on a mission to find what I could pour my heart into (outside of my family of course).
In a random job search, I stumbled across baby sleep consulting and that is how my coaching career started. This new type of career opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. After some research, I realized that I was not 100% aligned with doing sleep consulting but I knew I was going in the right direction. After a few more course corrections I landed on Mindset & Success Coaching and something finally clicked! For this first time in … EVER I found a career I was head over heels about!
It was only once I determined this new direction that I started to reflect on how I got there and I realized the following:
I listened to a crap ton of webinars.
I had been telling myself for YEARS (maybe even decades) that I didn’t know what I was passionate about. This was my mantra and it was NOT a good one! I kept reconfirming my belief rather than creating the belief I wanted (aka to find my passion).
Looking back over the years there were signs that were pointing me in the direction of coaching. I remember seeing people on stage and thinking “I could do that” then my logical side of the brain kicking in and would knock that down “you don’t have the background” “you're afraid of public speaking!” “you're no expert, who are you to teach others.”
And to top it all off I had signed up for a coaching info session and was basically told I didn’t have the experience (not old enough) or crazy/ridiculous life drama that I’ve overcome in order to be able to teach others. In hindsight, I'm so happy I didn’t end up going with that kind of a school because I see now that those are not the make or break qualities a coach needs to be effective!
What all of this shows me is that I was ignoring that little voice in my head that said to go for it. All along there had been signs that I just couldn’t see. I am now a certified coach and doing what I love, helping impact the lives of not only other women but kids who are watching their moms set an amazing example by following their passion and doing what they love.
Over the years I have developed a rock solid mindset that has allowed me to face challenges head-on. I now recognize my limiting beliefs and work through them rather then call them truth and let them hold me back. This is what I teach my clients. Mindset Coaching isn't just good in the moment, you learn the skills/tools and build the foundation for a successful business. There is a wealth of knowledge available to everyone so why isn't everyone rich and successful? Because it's not what you know, it's what you do with that information. If you've ever bought a course and not followed through on it or read a book and not completed the exercises then you know what I'm talking about.
I spent months learning and growing but I wasn't applying what I knew, I was scared to be visible, to share my story. What would others think? What if they didn't like what I had to say or worse ... what if I failed? I struggled for so long with these blocks and I don't want you to do the same. It cost me years and I don't want the same to happen to you, time is one resource you will never get back. I pride myself on helping my clients reach their goals faster then they ever thought possible.
As a mom of three, I want to show my kids that you can LOVE what you do (and get paid for it!) My goal is to instill in my kids (and clients) that they can be / do / have anything they desire and there are no limits to what they can do. It's not enough to just say you’ll do it, you need to walk the talk. Because of course, kids don’t learn by what you say, they watch and follow what you do.